Meet You in Scotland

Out There
In development
Director: David Lumsden
Writer: Ronnie Mackintosh
Producer: Blue Iris Films
Poster Art: Andrei Staruiala
This project is really exciting for me, it is a concept that has been in my head for a while and Ronnie has taken it to another level. I am really excited about developing this and working with Blue Iris Films again.

The world is covered with water, Charlie is restricted to his boat searching for a home he may never find. Plagued by memories, nightmares and hallucinations.
Will Charlie ever find what he's after?
The film is a short CGI-meets-live-action film about a very personal apocalypse. In the vein of a low budget The Road, Inception, Pincher Martin this is an eclectic and ambitious project shot in Edinburgh, Scotland.


I met James Pearcey (Ne'er do well films) at the EIFF 2013 Talent lab and he asked me to create a 30 sec turn your bloody phone off indent for frightfest 2013. I jumped at the chance and wanted to do an homage to two characters iconic characters from cinema, one from the warriors and one from trainspotting. It was a lot of fun and i couldn't have completed it without there help. good times.

We made a short fiction film for Safe Drive Stay Alive,
SDSA is an initiative by local councils to educate Schools on the dangers of driving using real life stories and accounts. We shot over a week with local school kids as the cast with full access to all the emergency services staff, equipment & locations.

One kind
This film was to raise awareness for animal rights and part of the rebranding of advocate for animals. It started off as a viral campaign that a lot of viral movie sites believed to be for a feature film, it garnered a lot of attention from all over the world and was nominated and won a movie viral award. Shot around Scotland and featuring Angus Macinnes (Star Wars) the film was to give the impression of an impending alien invasion.